Borko Furht
Borko Furht is a professor of computer science and engineering at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) and founder of its multimedia laboratory. Prior to joining (FAU), he was a senior director of research and advanced development at Modcomp. He was a key strategist and technical leader in developing a line of real-time supercomputers, Real/Star family based on a real-time UNIX operating system. His research is in multimedia, real-time systems, and advanced computer architecture He is co-author of the IEEE Tutorial on Computer Architecture and principal author of the book, Real-Time UNIX Operating Systems Design and Application Guide.
Course Organizer:
Learning Category: Presentation(s):
Type: [Courses]
MM: Multimedia Systems: A Guided Tour Organizer(s): [Furht] [Milenkovic]
Presenter(s): [Furht] [Milenkovic]
Entry No.: [28]