Annick Bureaud

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Leonardo/OLATS,


  • Paris, France, French Republic


  • Annick Bureaud is an independent art critic, curator, event organizer, researcher, and teacher of arts and technosciences. She is the director of Leonardo/Olats (, the European sister organization to Leonardo/lsast (, and is a contributor to the French contemporary art magazine Art Press. She has organized many symposia, conferences, and workshops, including Artmedia VIII: From Aesthetics of Communication to Net Art, Paris, 2002; and Visibility – Legibility of Space Art. Art and Zero Gravity: The Experience of Parabolic Flight, Paris, 2003. In 2009 she co-curated the exhibition (Un)lnhabitable? Art of Extreme Environments, Festival @rt Outsiders, MEP/European House of Photography, Paris. Her current research focuses on art and extreme environments, art and smart textiles, and art and non-humans.

Exhibition Category: Jury Member:


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