“World space servoing for character animation under simulation” by Wrotek, Jenkins and McGuire
- World space servoing for character animation under simulation
Session/Category Title: Mocappuccino
A new method for combining physics simulation with motion capture data in real time produces realistic dynamic movement of video game characters.
1. Faloutsos, P., Van De Panne, M., and Terzopoulos, D. 2001. The virtual stuntman: dynamic characters with a repertoire of autonomous motor skills. 933–953.
2. Zordan, V. B., and Hodgins, J. K. 2002. Motion capture-driven simulations that hit and react. In SCA 2002, ACM Press, New York, NY, USA, 89–96.
3. Zordan, V. B., Majkowska, A., Chiu, B., and Fast, M. 2005. Dynamic response for motion capture animation. ACM Trans. Graph. 24, 3, 697–701.