“What Time Is It? Efficient And Robust FX Retiming Workflow For Spies In Disguise”

  • ©Ravindra Dwivedi, Jon Barry, and Sean C McDuffee

  • ©Ravindra Dwivedi, Jon Barry, and Sean C McDuffee

  • ©Ravindra Dwivedi, Jon Barry, and Sean C McDuffee

  • ©Ravindra Dwivedi, Jon Barry, and Sean C McDuffee

  • ©Ravindra Dwivedi, Jon Barry, and Sean C McDuffee



Entry Number: 42


    What Time Is It? Efficient And Robust FX Retiming Workflow For Spies In Disguise



    We present our FX retiming workflow developed on Blue Sky Studios’ latest feature, Spies in Disguise. Retiming refers to the slowing down and speeding up of FX assets in a shot. These include point particles, rigid bodies, volumetric elements like smoke and fire, and fluids. Our solution is shown to be robust and efficient, even for the challenging cases of retiming heavily dynamic events, such as fire and explosions.


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