“Visualization of Spatial Impulse Responses using Mixed Reality and Moving Microphone” by Watanabe, Ikeda, Kataoka, Oikawa and Osaka

  • ©Yasuaki Watanabe, Yusuke Ikeda, Yuta Kataoka, Yasuhiro Oikawa, and Naotoshi Osaka

  • ©Yasuaki Watanabe, Yusuke Ikeda, Yuta Kataoka, Yasuhiro Oikawa, and Naotoshi Osaka

  • ©Yasuaki Watanabe, Yusuke Ikeda, Yuta Kataoka, Yasuhiro Oikawa, and Naotoshi Osaka



Entry Number: 58


    Visualization of Spatial Impulse Responses using Mixed Reality and Moving Microphone



    In this paper, we propose a measurement and visualization system for spatial impulse responses that utilizes a moving handy microphone and Mixed Reality (MR). By enhancing the existing visualization system of sound intensity using MR, the proposed system aids in the visualization of spatial impulse responses using the estimation based on the signal measured by a moving microphone. As the visualization of the sound field varies with time, it is effective to understand the relationship between a complicated sound field, including the reflected sounds, and the reflecting objects in a room.


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©Yasuaki Watanabe, Yusuke Ikeda, Yuta Kataoka, Yasuhiro Oikawa, and Naotoshi Osaka


    This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 19K12049


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