“Visapult: A Prototype Remote and Distributed Visualization Application and Framework” by Bethel
Interest Area:
- Web Technology
- Visapult: A Prototype Remote and Distributed Visualization Application and Framework
Session/Category Title: Web Rendering
Visapult demonstrates remote, shared visuali zation and rendering of large scientific data in a framework that maintains client-side rendering interactivity even on low-cost, commodity-grade graphics hardware.
1. Ware, C. & Franck, G. (1996). Evaluating stereo and motion cues for visualizing information nets in three dimensions. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 15, (2).
2. Tierney, B., Lee, J., Crowley, B., Holding, M., Hylton, J., & Drake, F.,A. (1999, August). Network-aware distributed storage cache for data intensive environments. Proc. of IEEE High Performance Distributed Computing Conference, LBNL-42896 (/www-didc.lbl.gov/DPSS/).
3. Meuller, K., Shareef, N., Huang, J., & Crawfis, R. (1999). BR-assisted volume rendering. In Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 1999, Late Breaking Hot Topics.