“Vignette: a style preserving sketching tool for pen-and-ink illustration with texture synthesis” by Kazi, Igarashi, Zhao, Davis and Takayama

  • ©Rubaiat Habib Kazi, Takeo Igarashi, Shengdong Zhao, Richard Davis, and Kenshi Takayama




    Vignette: a style preserving sketching tool for pen-and-ink illustration with texture synthesis



    Pen-and-ink illustrations take significant amounts of skill, artistry, and patience to create. Digital tools are widely used to accelerate the process; but they provide less artistic freedom and cannot easily capture illustrators’ personal style. Furthermore, these tools disrupt the traditional illustration workflow, because they are tedious and draw attention to dialog boxes and away from the illustration itself. We present Vignette, an interactive tool that facilitates texture creation in pen-and-ink illustrations in a natural way with built in texture synthesis capabilities.


    1. Kazi, R. H., Igarashi, T., Zhao, S., and Davis, R. C. 2012. Vignette: Interactive Texture Design and Manipulation with Freeform Gestures for Pen-and-ink Illustration. In CHI (Proceedings of CHI 12), ACM.

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©Rubaiat Habib Kazi, Takeo Igarashi, Shengdong Zhao, Richard Davis, and Kenshi Takayama ©Rubaiat Habib Kazi, Takeo Igarashi, Shengdong Zhao, Richard Davis, and Kenshi Takayama ©Rubaiat Habib Kazi, Takeo Igarashi, Shengdong Zhao, Richard Davis, and Kenshi Takayama

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