“VIEW: an exploratory molecular visualization system with user-definable interaction sequences” by Bergman, Richardson, Richardson and Brooks Jr.

  • ©Lawrence D. Bergman, Jane S. Richardson, David C. Richardson, and Frederick (Fred) P. Brooks Jr.




    VIEW: an exploratory molecular visualization system with user-definable interaction sequences



    VIEW is an exploratory visualization system for studying the structures of molecules. The system supports a high degree of complex
    user interaction with the image. Visualizations are constructed by
    selecting drawing tools from a library. Each tool uses parameters
    obtained from interactive selection of on-screen geometry by the
    user, and from a molecular database.
    The system is based on a tight coupling of on-screen geometry with
    the underlying database. Using these links, tools can create truescale drawing elements that are constrained to database values.
    VIEW is highly extensible by the user or a paraprogrammer associated with the user. Drawing tools are written in a C-like programming language with constructs for managing databases, constructs
    for creating and altering geometry, as well as standard statements
    such as If-Else and For loops.
    An event-definition mechanism allows the user to describe actions to
    be performed when keys are depressed or dials turned. In addition, the
    user is able to specify conditional events – actions that are to be taken
    whenever a user-defined condition becomes true. These conditions
    are automatically evaluated by the system as part of event processing.
    Such conditional events allow simple simulations to be readily programmed. Applications of conditional events have included animations of protein binding activity, and an interactive “flashlight” which
    highlights structures as a cursor is steered through a molecule.
    The system includes a development environment complete with a
    WYSIWYG editor, an interactive debugger, and a set of innovative
    graphical debugging features


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    2. M. Pique, J.S. Richardson, and F.P. Brooks, Jr., “What Does a Protein Look Like?” Invited videotape presented at 1982 SIGGRAPH Conference, July 1982.
    3. J.S. Richardson et al, “Looking at Proteins: Representations, Folding, Packing, and Design,”Biophys.J., Vol. 63, Nov. 1992, pp. 1186-1209.
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    14. D.C. Richardson and J.S. Richardson, “The Kinemage: A Tool for Scientific Communication,” Protein Science, Vol. 1, 1992, pp. 3-9.

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