“Utilizing photos as program themes” by Cheng, Chou, Luo and Chen

  • ©Kai-Yin Cheng, Ko-Yuan Chou, Sheng-Jie Luo, and Bing-Yu Chen

  • ©Kai-Yin Cheng, Ko-Yuan Chou, Sheng-Jie Luo, and Bing-Yu Chen




    Utilizing photos as program themes



    Due to the development in digital technologies, people now can easily retain their valuable memory by taking pictures through digital cameras. The cheap digital storage also encourages people to take lots of photos as they want. However, due to the tremendous amount of digital photos, it is not easy for people to browse all of them. Therefore, some techniques are proposed to help people to enjoy the photos, although it may be difficult for some people to arrange a time slot to watch them intentionally. Hence, in this extended abstract, we propose a system, which can utilize the large number of photos as the program themes (background), so that people will not notice the synthesized background while they are working, but the program themes may still be able to remind their good memory when they taking a short rest.


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