“Using Renderman in Animation Production” by Apodaca, Gritz, Jacob, Letteri, Poon, et al. …

  • ©Anthony (Tony) Apodaca, Larry Gritz, Oren Jacob, Joe Letteri, Ellen Poon, and M.J. Turner



Entry Number: 04


    Using Renderman in Animation Production

Course Organizer(s):



    RenderMan has been used by many large and small animation pro- duction studios to create high-quality, often photorealistic, imagery  for television and motion pictures. Its ability to render extremely  complex scenes with motion blur, depth-of-field, and user-program- mable shaders has made it the industry leader in feature film CGI,  and in recognition of this, it received an Academy Award in 1993.  This course will teach people how to use RenderMan. We will dis- cuss generating data to pump into RenderMan renderers, program- ming the RenderMan Shading Language to generate special effects,  and accessing the special features of the RenderMan-compatible  renderers that are available today. We will examine in-depth the pro- duction of several famous computer animations made with Render- Man, to show what it really takes to make most effective use of the tools RenderMan provides. We intend to make this both entertaining and informative.  


Contents/Schedule PDF:

Contributed By:

    Mary Whitton


    Charles Babbage Institute Archives, University of Minnesota

Overview Page: