“Using Convex Hull for Fast and Accurate Ellipse Detection” by Shen, Zhao, Jia and Yan

  • ©Zeyu Shen, Mingyang Zhao, Xiaohong Jia, and Dong-Ming Yan

  • ©Zeyu Shen, Mingyang Zhao, Xiaohong Jia, and Dong-Ming Yan

  • ©Zeyu Shen, Mingyang Zhao, Xiaohong Jia, and Dong-Ming Yan



Entry Number: 53


    Using Convex Hull for Fast and Accurate Ellipse Detection



    We present a novel method for fast and accurate ellipse detection based on an efficient arc grouping strategy. We first extract edges from the input image, and then obtain smooth arcs by recognizing sharp turns and inflexion points. To speed up ellipse generation, we group arcs by three intuitive yet more efficient rules, followed by a validation and a more distinctive cluster scheme to further improve the accuracy. Our approach achieves promising results on both synthetic and three real-world datasets.


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©Zeyu Shen, Mingyang Zhao, Xiaohong Jia, and Dong-Ming Yan ©Zeyu Shen, Mingyang Zhao, Xiaohong Jia, and Dong-Ming Yan


    This work was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61872354 and 61772523), the Beijing Natural Science Foundation (L182059 and Z190004), and Alibaba Group through Alibaba Innovative Research Program.


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