“Unwrap mosaics: a new representation for video editing” by Rav-Acha, Kohli, Rother and Fitzgibbon
- Unwrap mosaics: a new representation for video editing
We introduce a new representation for video which facilitates a number of common editing tasks. The representation has some of the power of a full reconstruction of 3D surface models from video, but is designed to be easy to recover from a priori unseen and uncalibrated footage. By modelling the image-formation process as a 2D-to-2D transformation from an object’s texture map to the image, modulated by an object-space occlusion mask, we can recover a representation which we term the “unwrap mosaic”. Many editing operations can be performed on the unwrap mosaic, and then re-composited into the original sequence, for example resizing objects, repainting textures, copying/cutting/pasting objects, and attaching effects layers to deforming objects.
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