“Turbulent wind fields for gaseous phenomena” by Stam and Fiume
- Turbulent wind fields for gaseous phenomena
The realistic depiction of smoke, steam, mist and water reacting
to a turbulent field such as wind is an attractive and challenging
problem. Its solution requires interlocking models for turbulent
fields, gaseous flow, and realistic illumination. We present a model
for turbulent wind flow having a deterministic component to specify large-scale behaviour, and a stochastic component to model
turbulent small-scale behaviour. The small-scale component is
generated using space-time Fourier synthesis. Turbulent wind
fields can be superposed interactively to create subtle behaviour.
An advection-diffusion model is used to animate particle-based
gaseous phenomena embedded in a wind field, and we derive an
efficient physically-basedillumination model for rendering the system. Because the number of particles can be quite large, we present
a clustering algorithm for efficient animation and rendering
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