“Transformers 2: Breaking Buildings” by Criswell, Smith and Deuber
- Transformers 2: Breaking Buildings
Session/Category Title: Blowing $h!t Up
The fragment clustering system was built as a method to control large sets of constrained rigid geometry. Fragment clustering allows artists to initialize sets of geometry as a single rigid body, then dynamically break the objects during the progression of the simulation. This system was originally developed for ”Transformers” by Rachel Weinstein Petterson, Brice Criswell, and Abhik Bose Paramanik, and later adapted for use in ”Star Trek”, ”Transformers : Revenge of the Fallen”, ”The Last Air Bender”, and most recently, ”Iron Man 2”. While earlier uses of the system were limited to artistic animation of the rigid constraints with limited strain evaluation, recent improvements have allowed the artists to gain much greater control over complex destruction scenarios.
GUENDELMAN, E., BRIDSON, R., AND FEDKIW, R. 2003. Nonconvex rigid bodies with stacking. ACM Trans. Graph.(SIGGRAPH Proc.) 22, 3, 871–878.