“Toonsynth: example-based synthesis of hand-colored cartoon animations” by Dvorožňák, Li, Kim and Sýkora

  • ©Marek Dvorožňák, Wilmot Li, Vladimir G. Kim, and Daniel Sýkora



Entry Number: 167


    Toonsynth: example-based synthesis of hand-colored cartoon animations

Session/Category Title:   Bodies in Motion Human Performance Capture




    We present a new example-based approach for synthesizing hand-colored cartoon animations. Our method produces results that preserve the specific visual appearance and stylized motion of manually authored animations without requiring artists to draw every frame from scratch. In our framework, the artist first stylizes a limited set of known source skeletal animations from which we extract a style-aware puppet that encodes the appearance and motion characteristics of the artwork. Given a new target skeletal motion, our method automatically transfers the style from the source examples to create a hand-colored target animation. Compared to previous work, our technique is the first to preserve both the detailed visual appearance and stylized motion of the original hand-drawn content. Our approach has numerous practical applications including traditional animation production and content creation for games.


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