“Tile-based kolam patterns” by Raghavachary
- Tile-based kolam patterns
Session/Category Title: Art-Driven Modeling
Kolams are centuries-old line patterns drawn at the thresholds of homes in Southern India. The figure below shows an example. The drawings are constructed from white flour or powdered lime- stone and have ornamental as well as religious significance in the Hindu tradition [Kalyanasundaram 1999]. The dot grid is laid down first, then the pattern is drawn in continuous loops which wind around the dots.
Kalyanasundaram 1999. Kolam – artwork of South India. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/5180/kolam.html
Siromoney, G. 1974. Array Grammars and Kolam. Computer Graphics and Image Processing, iii, 63–88.
Inasu, V. P. 1988. Application of L-systems to the Algorithmic Generation of Kolam Patterns. M. Tech Thesis, IIT Madras.