“The University of Alberta user interface management system” by Green

  • ©Mark W. Green




    The University of Alberta user interface management system



    In this paper the design and implementation of the University of Alberta user interface management system (UIMS) is discussed. This UIMS is based on the Seeheim model of user interfaces, which divides the user interface into three separate components. The Seeheim model of user interfaces is discussed along with its relationship to the design of UIMSs. The techniques used to design the three user interface components are briefly presented. A mixture of interactive and written notations are used in the design of the user interface. Some interesting features of this UIMS are interactive screen and menu layout, support for three dialogue notations, flexible interface to the application program, ability to adapt to different users, and the use of concurrent processes in user interface implementation The techniques used in the implementation of this UIMS are discussed.


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