“The office of the future: a unified approach to image-based modeling and spatially immersive displays” by Raskar, Welch, Cutts, Lake, Stesin, et al. …

  • ©Ramesh Raskar, Gregory F. Welch, Matt Cutts, Adam Lake, Lev Stesin, and Henry Fuchs




    The office of the future: a unified approach to image-based modeling and spatially immersive displays



    We introduce ideas, proposed technologies, and initial results for an office of the future that is based on a unified application of computer vision and computer graphics in a system that combines and builds upon the notions of the CAVETM, tiled display systems, and image-based modeling. The basic idea is to use real-time computer vision techniques to dynamically extract per-pixel depth and reflectance information for the visible surfaces in the office including walls, furniture, objects, and people, and then to either project images on the surfaces, render images of the surfaces, or interpret changes in the surfaces. In the first case, one could designate every-day (potentially irregular) real surfaces in the office to be used as spatially immersive display surfaces, and then project high-resolution graphics and text onto those surfaces. In the second case, one could transmit the dynamic image-based models over a network for display at a remote site. Finally, one could interpret dynamic changes in the surfaces for the purposes of tracking, interaction, or augmented reality applications. To accomplish the simultaneous capture and display we envision an office of the future where the ceiling lights are replaced by computer controlled cameras and “smart” projectors that are used to capture dynamic image-based models with imperceptible structured light techniques, and to display high-resolution images on designated display surfaces. By doing both simultaneously on the designated display surfaces, one can dynamically adjust or autocalibrate for geometric, intensity, and resolution variations resulting from irregular or changing display surfaces, or overlapped projector images. Our current approach to dynamic image-based modeling is to use an optimized structured light scheme that can capture per-pixel depth and reflectance at interactive rates. Our system implementation is not yet imperceptible, but we can demonstrate the approach in the laboratory. Our approach to rendering on the designated (potentially irregular) display surfaces is to employ a two-pass projective texture scheme to generate images that when projected onto the surfaces appear correct to a moving head-tracked observer. We present here an initial implementation of the overall vision, in an office-like setting, and preliminary


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