“The CAT for efficient 2D and 3D interaction as an alternative to mouse adaptations” by Hachet, Guitton, Reuter and Tyndiuk

  • ©Martin Hachet, Pascal Guitton, Patrick Reuter, and Florence Tyndiuk




    The CAT for efficient 2D and 3D interaction as an alternative to mouse adaptations



    We present the CAT (Control Action Table), a 6 degrees of freedom freestanding input device designed for interaction with Virtual Environments displayed on huge screens. Both isotonic and isometric sensing modes allow the user to easily and efficiently perform 3D interaction techniques. A 2D tablet fixed on the tabletop allows them to perform accurate 2D interaction techniques.


    1. HACHET, M., GUITTON, P., REUTER, P., AND TYNDIUK, F. 2003. The CAT for efficient 2D and 3D interaction as an alternative to mouse adaptations. In Proceedings of ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST’03), 205–212. Google ScholarDigital Library

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