“Texture synthesis for digital painting” by Lewis

  • ©John-Peter Lewis




    Texture synthesis for digital painting

Session/Category Title:   Algorithms for Painting and Matting



    The problem of digital painting is considered from a signal processing viewpoint, and is reconsidered as a problem of directed texture synthesis. It is an important characteristic of natural texture that detail may be evident at many scales, and the detail at each scale may have distinct characteristics. A “sparse convolution” procedure for generating random textures with arbitrary spectral content is described. The capability of specifying the texture spectrum (and thus the amount of detail at each scale) is an improvement over stochastic texture synthesis processes which are scalebound or which have a prescribed 1/f spectrum. This spectral texture synthesis procedure provides the basis for a digital paint system which rivals the textural sophistication of traditional artistic media. Applications in terrain synthesis and texturing computer-rendered objects are also shown.


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