“Textable movie: improvising with a personal movie database” by Vaucelle, Davenport and Jehan

  • ©Catherine Vaucelle, Glorianna Davenport, and Tristan Jehan




    Textable movie: improvising with a personal movie database



    This sketch presents a new approach to improvising movies according to the inter-relationship between personal videos and the story of an experience. Textable Movie is a graphical interface that invites a storyteller of any age to compose and visualize movies, images and sound environments while writing a story; the system self-selects and self-edits movies in real time based on textual input from the teller. Textable Movie aims to exalt the imagination of its authors (writer, and film-maker) by immersing them in real time, in a co-constructed narration.


    1. PROUST, M. 1913. À la recherche du temps perdu. Du côté de chez Swann. Remembrance of Things Past, 1922.
    2. LIEBERMAN, H, and LIU, H, May 2002. Adaptive Linking between Text and Photos Using Common Sense Reasoning, Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web Systems, Malaga, Spain.
    3. ASAKAWA, T. et al., To appear in the Proceedings of the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, 2003.

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