“Techniques for the Display of Ocean Data On a Raster-Driven Color CRT” by McCleary

  • ©Lawrence E. McCleary




    Techniques for the Display of Ocean Data On a Raster-Driven Color CRT



    An interactive computer program has been developed at the Naval Ocean Systems Center (formerly Naval Undersea Center) to display data for large ocean areas in color on a raster-driven CRT. Typical user commands are described which allow the user to select geographical areas, types of data to be displayed, color assignments, data smoothing options, and desired annotation. Color examples are provided for three types of data for various ocean areas. The techniques have proven to be an invaluable tool for both validating data base information being fed into computerized analytical models and for displaying results derived from programs which calculate additional ocean characteristics.


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©Lawrence E. McCleary ©Lawrence E. McCleary ©Lawrence E. McCleary ©Lawrence E. McCleary ©Lawrence E. McCleary ©Lawrence E. McCleary ©Lawrence E. McCleary

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