“Team Teaching Animation Art and Technology” by Duesing and Hodgins

  • ©James Duesing and Jessica K. Hodgins

  • ©James Duesing and Jessica K. Hodgins

  • ©James Duesing and Jessica K. Hodgins

  • ©James Duesing and Jessica K. Hodgins

  • ©James Duesing and Jessica K. Hodgins

  • ©James Duesing and Jessica K. Hodgins

  • ©James Duesing and Jessica K. Hodgins

  • ©James Duesing and Jessica K. Hodgins

  • ©James Duesing and Jessica K. Hodgins

  • ©James Duesing and Jessica K. Hodgins




    Team Teaching Animation Art and Technology



    In this paper we report on an interdisciplinary course, “Animation Art and Technology,” which we have taught for the past two years at Carnegie Mellon University. Faculty and teaching assistants from computer science and art teach the class as a team and the students are an interdisciplinary mix. This class is a project-based course in which teams of students produce 4-5 animations. Most of the animations have a substantive technical component and the students are challenged to consider innovation with content to be equal with the technical. In this paper, we describe the structure of the class and assess the elements that have worked well and those that require improvement.


    The authors would like to thank the students of the Spring 2003 and Fall 2003 classes of 15-505 and 60-414 Animation Art and Technology for their creative and technical effort which made the images in this paper come to life. We also thank Intel for the donation of the computing cluster and Alias/Wavefront for the donation of Maya.


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