“Teaching Computer Graphics in Secondary Education: Building a Model Program for Computer Graphics” by Neuhaus

  • ©Linda Neuhaus




    Teaching Computer Graphics in Secondary Education: Building a Model Program for Computer Graphics

Session/Category Title:   Teaching With Graphics



    An overview and analysis of a three-year pilot program for teaching 3D computer graphics in a secondary education environment.


    1. ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee. http://www.siggraph.org/education/.
    2. Jung, T., (Oct. 2006) State Schools Chief Jack O’Connell Awards $22.4 Million in Grants For California Partnership Academies. Retrieved May28, 2008 from http://www.cde.ca.gov/nr/ne/yr06/yr06rel128.asp
    3. Kennedy, M., 28 Principles of Animation, February, 2008; http://www.animationarena.com/principles-of-animation-3.html
    4. Meirs, D., Acting and Animation, January, 2008; http://www.animationarena.com/principles-of-animation-3.html
    5. Orr, G. and Alley, T. 2007. A Knowledge Base for Emerging Discipline of Computer Graphics http://ogems.inesc.pt/ModuleInfo.aspx?id=4 http://education.siggraph.org/resources/knowledge-base/FrontPage/report

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