“Super Resolution Based on Texton Substitution” by Sugaya, Takase, Nakaguchi, Tsumura, Motomura, et al. …
Entry Number: 034
- Super Resolution Based on Texton Substitution
The resolution of a texture image in computer graphics is determined by the camera system used to take the image. Zooming in on the object beyond the optical resolution results in a blurring of edges and details. This paper presents a “super resolution” method that uses a database of textures and texton substitution to create plausible high-frequency detail in enlarged texture images[Malik et al. 2001]. Conventional example based super-resolution techniques require the high computational cost and must be given the optimal parameters that depend on the input image[Freeman et al. 2000; Hertzmann et al. 2001]. In this paper, texton in the wavelet space and a pixel based (not a patch based) substitution is proposed for the practical use by their low computation process[Hopf et al. 2001].
1. J. Malik et al. 2001. Representing and Recognizing the Visual Appearance of Materials using Three-dimensional Textons. IJCV2001, 29–44.
2. W. T. Freeman et al. 2000. Learning low-level vision. IJCV2000, 25–47.
3. A. Hertzmann et al. 2001. Image Analogies. Proc. Siggraph2001, 327–340.
4. M. Hopf et al. 2001. Hardware Accelerated Wavelet Transformations. VisSym 2001, 93–103.