“Style compatibility for 3D furniture models” by Hertzmann, Li and Funkhouser
- Style compatibility for 3D furniture models
Session/Category Title: Shape Analysis
This paper presents a method for learning to predict the stylistic compatibility between 3D furniture models from different object classes: e.g., how well does this chair go with that table? To do this, we collect relative assessments of style compatibility using crowdsourcing. We then compute geometric features for each 3D model and learn a mapping of them into a space where Euclidean distances represent style incompatibility. Motivated by the geometric subtleties of style, we introduce part-aware geometric feature vectors that characterize the shapes of different parts of an object separately. Motivated by the need to compute style compatibility between different object classes, we introduce a method to learn object class-specific mappings from geometric features to a shared feature space. During experiments with these methods, we find that they are effective at predicting style compatibility agreed upon by people. We find in user studies that the learned compatibility metric is useful for novel interactive tools that: 1) retrieve stylistically compatible models for a query, 2) suggest a piece of furniture for an existing scene, and 3) help guide an interactive 3D modeler towards scenes with compatible furniture.
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