“Stripe patterns on surfaces” by Knöppel, Crane, Pinkall and Schröder

  • ©Felix Knöppel, Keenan Crane, Ulrich Pinkall, and Peter Schröder




    Stripe patterns on surfaces

Session/Category Title:   Geometry Field Trip



    Stripe patterns are ubiquitous in nature, describing macroscopic phenomena such as stripes on plants and animals, down to material impurities on the atomic scale. We propose a method for synthesizing stripe patterns on triangulated surfaces, where singularities are automatically inserted in order to achieve user-specified orientation and line spacing. Patterns are characterized as global minimizers of a convex-quadratic energy which is well-defined in the smooth setting. Computation amounts to finding the principal eigenvector of a symmetric positive-definite matrix with the same sparsity as the standard graph Laplacian. The resulting patterns are globally continuous, and can be applied to a variety of tasks in design and texture synthesis.


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