“Stereoscopic 3D line drawing” by Kim, Lee, Kang and Lee

  • ©Yongjin Kim, Yunjin Lee, Henry Kang, and Seungyong Lee




    Stereoscopic 3D line drawing

Session/Category Title:   Line Drawing




    This paper discusses stereoscopic 3D imaging based on line drawing of 3D shapes. We describe the major issues and challenges in generating stereoscopic 3D effects using lines only, with a couple of relatively simple approaches called each-eye-based and center-eye-based. Each of these methods has its shortcomings, such as binocular rivalry and inaccurate lines. We explain why and how these problems occur, then describe the concept of stereo-coherent lines and an algorithm to extract them from 3D shapes. We also propose a simple method to stylize stereo lines that ensures the stereo coherence of stroke textures across binocular views. The proposed method provides viewers with unique visual experience of watching 2D drawings popping out of the screen like 3D.


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