“Star cursors in content space: abstractions of people and places” by Rankin, Heerden, Mama, Nikolovska, Otter, et al. …
Interest Area:
- Interaction, Technical, and VR / AR
- Star cursors in content space: abstractions of people and places
Session/Category Title: Reality ++
A 3D multi-user virtual world support ing novel, abstract representations for content and users, coupled via models of users’ profiles and their social context, is envisioned and illustrated by computer prototypes.
1. 1 Damer, B. Avatars! Peachpit Press, Berkeley, 1998.
2. 2 Donath, J. S. Inhabiting the virtual city. PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, February 1997.
3. 3 Dieberger, A. Supporting social navigation on the World Wide Web. Int. J. Human-Computer Studies, 46, 805-825, 1997.
4. 4 Greenhalgh, C. and Benford, S. MASSIVE: A collaborative virtual environment for tele-conferencing. Trans. ACM Computer-Human Interfaces, 2(3), 239-261, September 1995.
5. 5 Platform for Privacy Preferences Project, WC3, see www.w3.org/Privacy/