“Spatial bi-directional reflectance distribution function” by McAllister, Lastra, Cloward and Heidrich
Interest Area:
- Application
- Spatial bi-directional reflectance distribution function
Session/Category Title: Hardware Rendering
Combining texture mapping with bi-directional reflectance distribution functions (BRDFs) yields a representation of surface appearance with both spatial and angular detail. We call a texture map with a unique BRDF at each pixel a spatial bi-directional reflectance distribution function, or SBRDF. The SBRDF is a six-dimensional function representing the reflectance from each incident direction to each exitant direction at each surface point. Because of the high dimensionality of the SBRDF, previous appearance capture and representation work has focused on either spatial or angular detail, has relied on a small set of basis BRDFs, or has only treated spatial detail statistically [Dana 1999; Lensch 2001].
1. Dana, K. J., B. V. Ginneken, et al. 1999. Reflectance and texture of real-world surfaces. ACM Transactions on Graphics 18(1): 1–34.
2. Lafortune, E. P. F., S.-C. Foo, et al. 1997. Non-Linear Approximation of Reflectance Functions. In Proc. of SIGGRAPH 1997, 117–126.
3. Lensch, H., J. Kautz, et al. 2001. Image-Based Reconstruction of Spatially Varying Materials. In Rendering Techniques ’01, 103–114.
4. Kautz, J. and H.-P. Seidel. 2000. Towards Interactive Bump Mapping with Anisotropic Shift-Variant BRDFs. In Eurographics / SIGGRAPH Workshop on Graphics Hardware, 51–58.
5. McAllister, D. K. 2002. A Generalized Surface Appearance Representation. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of North Carolina. http://www.cs.unc.edu/~davemc.
6. McCool, M., J. Ang, et al. 2001. Homomorphic Factorization of BRDFs for High-Performance Rendering. In Proc. of SIGGRAPH 2001, 171–178.