“Spatial anti-aliasing for animation sequences with spatio-temporal filtering” by Shinya

  • ©Mikio Shinya




    Spatial anti-aliasing for animation sequences with spatio-temporal filtering



    Anti-aliasing is generally an expensive process because it requires
    super-sampling or sophisticated rendering. This paper presents a
    new type of anti-aliasing filter for animation sequences, the pixeltracing filter, that does not require any additional sample nor additional calculation in the rendering phase. The filter uses animation
    information to calculate correlation among the images, and sub-pixel
    information is extracted from the sequence based on the correlation.
    Theoretical studies prove that the filter becomes an ideal antialiasing filter when the filter size is infinite.
    The algorithm is simple image processing implemented as postfiltering. The computational cost is independent of the complexity of
    the scene. Experiments demonstrate the efficiency of the filter.
    Almost complete anti-aliasing was achieved at the rate of about 30
    seconds per frame for very complex scenes at a resolution of
    256×256 pixels. The pixel tracing filter provides effective antialiasing for animation sequences at a very modest computational


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