“Spark: modular, composable shaders for graphics hardware” by Foley and Hanrahan

  • ©Tim Foley and Patrick (Pat) Hanrahan




    Spark: modular, composable shaders for graphics hardware



    In creating complex real-time shaders, programmers should be able to decompose code into independent, localized modules of their choosing. Current real-time shading languages, however, enforce a fixed decomposition into per-pipeline-stage procedures. Program concerns at other scales — including those that cross-cut multiple pipeline stages — cannot be expressed as reusable modules.We present a shading language, Spark, and its implementation for modern graphics hardware that improves support for separation of concerns into modules. A Spark shader class can encapsulate code that maps to more than one pipeline stage, and can be extended and composed using object-oriented inheritance. In our tests, shaders written in Spark achieve performance within 2% of HLSL.


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