“Sort-First Parallel Rendering with a Cluster of PCs” by Samanta, Funkhouser, Li and Singh
Interest Area:
- Application
- Sort-First Parallel Rendering with a Cluster of PCs
Session/Category Title: Rendering on Diverse Platforms
An investigation of research issues in constructing a low cost parallel rendering system using a cluster of PCs. This work demonstrates that sort-first approaches can achieve good speedups for moderate numbers of PCs.
1. Molnar, S., Cox, M., Ellsworth, D., & Fuchs, H. (1994). A sorting classification of parallel rendering. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 14 (4), 23-32.
2. Mueller, C. (1995). The sort-first rendering architecture for high-performance graphics. 1995 Symposium on Interactive 3-D Graphics.
3. Samanta, R., Zheng, J., Funkhouser, T., Li, K., & Singh, J.P. (1999, August). Load balancing for multi-projector rendering systems. SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware.