“Simulation of natural scenes using textured quadric surfaces” by Gardner

  • ©Geoffrey Y. Gardner




    Simulation of natural scenes using textured quadric surfaces



    Because of the high complexity of the real world, realistic
    simulation of natural scenes is very costly in computation. The
    topographical subtlety of common natural features such as trees and
    clouds remains a stumbling block to cost-effective computer
    modeling. A new scene model, composed of quadric surfaces bounded
    with planes and overlaid with texturing, provides an efficient and
    effective means of representing a wide range, of natural features.
    The new model provides a compact and functional data base which
    minimizes the number of scene elements. Efficient hidden surface
    algorithms for quadric surfaces bounded by planes are included. A
    mathematical texturing function represents natural surface detail
    in a statistical manner. Techniques have been developed to simulate
    natural scenes with the artistic efficiency of an impressionist


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