“SIGGRAPH 2009 Featured Speakers: 3D to the Home: What Can Possibly Go Wrong?” by Ludé

  • ©Peter Ludé




    SIGGRAPH 2009 Featured Speakers: 3D to the Home: What Can Possibly Go Wrong?



    Senior Vice President, Engineering, Sony Electronics
    Executive Vice President, SMPTE
    Board of Directors ITVS

    There are over two million 3D-ready televisions already in US households, but the industry remains divided about delivering stereoscopic content to the home. How much programming will be available, how will it be delivered, and by when? Will consumers need to wear those funny glasses? Will the world adopt 3D standards, or will competing formats emerge? Will the images on the small screen look as good as in the cinema? Peter Ludé will review these thorny topics and address the technical, business, and creative decisions that will be required over the next few years in the transition to 3DTV.

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