“Shape matching and anisotropy” by Kazhdan, Funkhouser and Rusinkiewicz

  • ©Michael Kazhdan, Thomas (Tom) A. Funkhouser, and Szymon Rusinkiewicz




    Shape matching and anisotropy



    With recent improvements in methods for the acquisition and rendering of 3D models, the need for retrieval of models has gained prominence in the graphics and vision communities. A variety of methods have been proposed that enable the efficient querying of model repositories for a desired 3D shape. Many of these methods use a 3D model as a query and attempt to retrieve models from the database that have a similar shape.In this paper we consider the implications of anisotropy on the shape matching paradigm. In particular, we propose a novel method for matching 3D models that factors the shape matching equation as the disjoint outer product of anisotropy and geometric comparisons. We provide a general method for computing the factored similarity metric and show how this approach can be applied to improve the matching performance of many existing shape matching methods.


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