“Shading Approach for Artistic Stroke Thickness using 2D Light Position” by Ejiri, Morimoto and Takahashi

  • ©Takashi Ejiri, Yuki Morimoto, and Tokiichiro Takahashi

  • ©Takashi Ejiri, Yuki Morimoto, and Tokiichiro Takahashi

  • ©Takashi Ejiri, Yuki Morimoto, and Tokiichiro Takahashi



Entry Number: 90


    Shading Approach for Artistic Stroke Thickness using 2D Light Position



    We present an approach for determining stroke thickness in illustrations based on two-dimensional (2D) light position. Stroke rendering is particularly important for cartoons and illustrations in nonphotorealistic rendering (NPR). In cartoons and illustrations, stroke thickness is varied for effective expressions.
    [Goodwin et al. 2007] proposed a shading approach to artistic stroke thickness using a three-dimensional (3D) model. However, shading 2D images using 2D light position remains a challenge.
    We propose a method to render artistic stroke styles by varying thickness considering the distance from a 2D light position.


    1. Goodwin, T., Vollick, I., and Hertwmanj, A. 2007. Isophote Distance: A Shading Approach to Artistic Stroke Thickness. In Proc. of NPAR, 53–62.
    2. Potrace http://potrace.sourceforge.net

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©Takashi Ejiri, Yuki Morimoto, and Tokiichiro Takahashi


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