“Rule-based crowds: generation, animation, cloth and rendering of 15.000 unique human characters” by Trojansky, Hu, Kähler, Sprenger and Stapel

  • ©Stephan Trojansky, Florian Hu, Kolja Kähler, Christoph Sprenger, and Stephan Stapel




    Rule-based crowds: generation, animation, cloth and rendering of 15.000 unique human characters

Session/Category Title:   Simulation in Production



    Scanline is currently developing the proprietary crowd-simulation tool “Sheep”. It is designed to generate mass scenes with 15.000 different characters, animate them by an unlimited amount of rules, supply presimulated cloth and render a whole shot in a single layer taking less than 45 minutes. This will disclose completely new dimensions for the realization of Visual Effects with mass sequences.

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