“Robust Low-Poly Meshing for General 3D Models” by Chen, Pan, Wu, Vouga and Gao
- Robust Low-Poly Meshing for General 3D Models
Session/Category Title: All About Meshes
We propose a robust re-meshing approach that can automatically generate visual-preserving low-poly meshes for any high-poly models found in the wild. Our method can be seamlessly integrated into current mesh-based 3D asset production pipelines. Given an input high-poly, our method proceeds in two stages: 1) Robustly extracting an offset surface mesh that is feature-preserving, and guaranteed to be watertight, manifold, and self-intersection free; 2) Progressively simplifying and flowing the offset mesh to bring it close to the input. The simplicity and the visual-preservation of the generated low-poly is controlled by a user-required target screen size of the input: decreasing the screen size reduces the element count of the low-poly but enlarges its visual difference from the input. We have evaluated our method on a subset of the Thingi10K dataset that contains models created by practitioners in different domains, with varying topological and geometric complexities. Compared to state-of-the-art approaches and widely used software, our method demonstrates its superiority in terms of the element count, visual preservation, geometry, and topology guarantees of the generated low-polys.
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