“Reproduction of the behavior of the wet cloths taking the atmospheric pressure into account” by Yamada, Watanabe, Kakimoto, Mikami and Takeuchi
Entry Number: 92
- Reproduction of the behavior of the wet cloths taking the atmospheric pressure into account
The property of cloth changes when it gets wet. Especially, wet cloth sticks to objects being touched. When expressing a wet cloth in computer graphics, pseudo representation is often used. As existing research, [Gascon et al. 2010] added a constrain to the part of cloth where it touches the base object. This constraint is a force which makes the cloth continue sticking to the position while the cloth is touching. In real-world situations, however, such sticking forces act even on the part which stays off the base.
1. Kwang-Jin Choi, and Hyeong-Seok Ko. 2002. Stable but responsive cloth. ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2002 Proceedings) 21, 3, 604–611.
2. Jorge Gasc’on, Javier S. Zurdo, and Miguel A. Otaduy. 2010. Constraint-based simulation of adhesive contact. In Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, SCA ’10, 39–44.