“Replica Exchange Light Transport on Relaxed Distributions” by Otsu, Yue, Hou, Iwasaki, Dobashi, et al. …

  • ©Hisanari Otsu, Yonghao Yue, Qiming Hou, Kei Iwasaki, Yoshinori Dobashi, and Tomoyuki Nishita

  • ©Hisanari Otsu, Yonghao Yue, Qiming Hou, Kei Iwasaki, Yoshinori Dobashi, and Tomoyuki Nishita

  • ©Hisanari Otsu, Yonghao Yue, Qiming Hou, Kei Iwasaki, Yoshinori Dobashi, and Tomoyuki Nishita



Entry Number: 91


    Replica Exchange Light Transport on Relaxed Distributions



    Developing a robust method for computing global illumination is a challenging problem. A Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method, like [Jakob and Marschner 2012], samples the light path space with a probability proportional to the per-path contribution, by successively mutating path samples (e.g., perturbing a reflection direction). In practice, a path sample could get stuck in a high energy peak for multiple mutations, resulting in a bright spot artifact. To resolve this problem, we present a new unbiased rendering framework based on a replica exchange technique [Kitaoka et al. 2009], a variant of MCMC technique. A replica exchange technique incorporates a set of different distributions. We propose to introduce a set of relaxed distributions, which are beneficial for reducing the chance of getting stuck.


    1. Jakob, W., and Marschner, S. 2012. Manifold exploration: a markov chain monte carlo technique for rendering scenes with difficult specular transport. ACM Trans. Graph. (SIGGRAPH 2012) 31, 4, 58:1–58:13.
    2. Kelemen, C., Szirmay-Kalos, L., Antal, G., and Csonka, F. 2002. A simple and robust mutation strategy for the metropolis light transport algorithm. Computer Graphics Forum (EUROGRAPHICS 2002) 21, 3, 531–540.
    3. Kitaoka, S., Kitamura, Y., and Kishino, F. 2009. Replica exchange light transport. Computer Graphics Forum 28, 8, 2330–2342.

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©Hisanari Otsu, Yonghao Yue, Qiming Hou, Kei Iwasaki, Yoshinori Dobashi, and Tomoyuki Nishita


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