“Recreating BoPeep for Toy Story 4” by Galindo, Hobson, Hurn, Kihm, Krampfert, et al. …

  • ©Mariana Galindo, Carrie Hobson, Radford Hurn, Patty Kihm, Tanja Krampfert, Mara MacMahon, George Nguyen, and Becki Tower

  • ©Mariana Galindo, Carrie Hobson, Radford Hurn, Patty Kihm, Tanja Krampfert, Mara MacMahon, George Nguyen, and Becki Tower

  • ©Mariana Galindo, Carrie Hobson, Radford Hurn, Patty Kihm, Tanja Krampfert, Mara MacMahon, George Nguyen, and Becki Tower

  • ©Mariana Galindo, Carrie Hobson, Radford Hurn, Patty Kihm, Tanja Krampfert, Mara MacMahon, George Nguyen, and Becki Tower

  • ©Mariana Galindo, Carrie Hobson, Radford Hurn, Patty Kihm, Tanja Krampfert, Mara MacMahon, George Nguyen, and Becki Tower



Entry Number: 03


    Recreating BoPeep for Toy Story 4



    In Toy Story 4, audiences rediscover BoPeep, who returns after nearly 20 years away from the big screen. In adapting her design, we considered not only the cultural context of reviving one of our industry’s first female characters, informing our story and design, but also the technology now available, which drove explorations in shading and simulation, among other areas. Our talk describes BoPeep’s journey through production: from initial research into decades-old reference and visualization, to the modern results and strides we’ve taken across both creative and technical specialties.


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