“Real-time image-space outlining for non-photorealistic rendering” by Mitchell, Brennan and Card

  • ©Jason L. Mitchell, Chris Brennan, and Drew Card



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    Real-time image-space outlining for non-photorealistic rendering

Session/Category Title:   Rendering



    In Non-Photorealistic Rendering (NPR), outlines at object silhouettes, shadow edges and texture boundaries are important visual cues which have previously been difficult to generate in real-time. We present an image-space technique which uses pixel shading hardware to generate these three classes of outlines in real time. In all three cases, we render alternate representations of the desired scene into texture maps which are subsequently processed by pixel shaders to find discontinuities corresponding to outlines in the scene. The outlines are then composited with the shaded scene.


    1. Decaudin, P. 1996. Cartoon-looking rendering of 3D-scenes. Technical Report INRIA 2919, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France.
    2. Hourcade, J. C. and Nicolas, A. 1985. Algorithms for Antialiased Cast Shadows. In Computer and Graphics, 9, 3, 259–265.
    3. Mitchell, J. L. 2002. Image Processing with Direct3D Pixel Shaders. In Vertex and Pixel Shader Tips and Tricks, Wolfgang Engel editor, Wordware,.
    4. Saito, T and Takahashi, T. 1990. Comprehensible Rendering of 3-D Shapes. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 1990, ACM Press/ACM SIGGRAPH, New York. 197–206

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