“Real-time hand-tracking with a color glove” by Wang and Popović

  • ©Robert Y. Wang and Jovan Popović




    Real-time hand-tracking with a color glove



    Articulated hand-tracking systems have been widely used in virtual reality but are rarely deployed in consumer applications due to their price and complexity. In this paper, we propose an easy-to-use and inexpensive system that facilitates 3-D articulated user-input using the hands. Our approach uses a single camera to track a hand wearing an ordinary cloth glove that is imprinted with a custom pattern. The pattern is designed to simplify the pose estimation problem, allowing us to employ a nearest-neighbor approach to track hands at interactive rates. We describe several proof-of-concept applications enabled by our system that we hope will provide a foundation for new interactions in modeling, animation control and augmented reality.


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