“Real-time data driven deformation using kernel canonical correlation analysis” by Feng, Kim and Yu

  • ©Wei-Wen Feng, Byung-Uck Kim, and Yizhou Yu




    Real-time data driven deformation using kernel canonical correlation analysis



    Achieving intuitive control of animated surface deformation while observing a specific style is an important but challenging task in computer graphics. Solutions to this task can find many applications in data-driven skin animation, computer puppetry, and computer games. In this paper, we present an intuitive and powerful animation interface to simultaneously control the deformation of a large number of local regions on a deformable surface with a minimal number of control points. Our method learns suitable deformation subspaces from training examples, and generate new deformations on the fly according to the movements of the control points. Our contributions include a novel deformation regression method based on kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) and a Poisson-based translation solving technique for easy and fast deformation control based on examples. Our run-time algorithm can be implemented on GPUs and can achieve a few hundred frames per second even for large datasets with hundreds of training examples.


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