“Ready, Steady…SIGGRAPH” Moderated by

  • ©Ann McNamara



Entry Number: 01


    Ready, Steady...SIGGRAPH




    First time attendees at the annual SIGGRAPH conference account for more than 40% of attendees. This panel is one of the ways to better accommodate first time attendees, and improve overall attendee experience. The goal is to assist (first time) attendees navigate the conference, and conference space. “Ready, Steady, SIGGRAPH”, which was open to all attendees but of particular interest to first time attendees. We will include program chairs from each venue and representatives from conference management. This panel represents a relaxed informal one-hour session during which participants were encouraged to ask questions as they hear information on each venue and comments from program chairs. It is for attendees old and new who are not sure how to plan their time at SIGGRAPH 2015? Attendees will learn tips from seasoned attendees and program chairs on maximizing your conference experience, ”don’t miss” sessions, and convention center layout.



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