“Rapid 3D Building Modeling by Sketching” by Chen and Lin
Entry Number: 05
- Rapid 3D Building Modeling by Sketching
This paper proposes an intuitive tool for users to create 3D architectural models through 2D sketch input. A user only needs to draw the outline of a frontal or oblique view of a building. Our system recognizes the parts drawn in a sketch and estimates their types. The estimated information is then used to compose the corresponding 3D model. Besides, our system provides additional assistant tools for rapid editing. The modeling process can be iterative and incremental. To accomplish a building complex, a user can gradually create their models from one view to another. Our experiment shows that the proposed interface with sketch analysis tools eases the process of 3D building modeling.
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This paper was partially supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan under grant no. MOST 106-2221-E-009-178- MY2, and 107-2221-E-009-140-MY2.