“Prototyping and simulation tools for user/computer dialogue design” by Hanau and Lenorovitz

  • ©Paul R. Hanau and David R. Lenorovitz




    Prototyping and simulation tools for user/computer dialogue design



    The design and development of user interfaces to interactive computer systems is enhanced by permitting designers to easily express their design concepts in concrete, comprehensive, and comprehensible working models. A set of prototyping and simulation tools has been developed to be used as an integral part of the specification and design process. These include an interactive display building utility and a syntax-driven interactive dialogue controller. The display builder is used to develop initial conceptual snapshots of system display appearance at selected points in the user/system dialogue. The dialogue controller interprets a grammatical description of input tools and system logic, using predrawn and dynamically constructed displays to simulate the external appearance of the desired end system.


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    4. Foley,J.D. & Wallace,V.L. The art of natural graphic man-machine conversation. Proceedings of IEEE 1974, 62, 462-471.
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    8. Hanau,P.R. & Lenorovitz,D.R. A prototyping and simulation approach to interactive computer system design. in Proceedings of the 17th Design Automation Conference. ACM/SIGDA – in press.
    9. Heindel,L.E. & Roberto,J.T. LANG-PAK: An Interactive Language Design System. Elsevier Computer Science Library: Programming Language Series; 1. American Elsevier Publishing Company, Inc. New York 1975
    10. Lenorovitz,D.R. & Ramsey, H.R. A dialogue simulation tool for use in the design of interactive computer systems. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Santa Monica, California: Human Factors Society, 1977, 95-99.
    11. Moran,T.P. “How do users understand systems they use?”. Panel presentation at SIGGRAPH ’79.
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    17. Treu,S.(ed.) User-Oriented Design of Interactive Graphics Systems (Proceedings of ACM/SIGGRAPH Workshop), Oct 1976.
    18. Van den Bos,J. Definition and use of higher level graphic input tools. Computer Graphics 12,3 1978.

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