“Procedural Façade Variations From Single Layout” by Bao, Schwarz and Wonka

  • ©Fan Bao, Michael Schwarz, and Peter Wonka




    Procedural Façade Variations From Single Layout

Session/Category Title:   Structures, Faces & Building




    We introduce a framework to generate many variations of a facade design that look similar to a given facade layout. Starting from an input image, the facade is hierarchically segmented and labeled with a collection of manual and automatic tools. The user can then model constraints that should be maintained in any variation of the input facade design. Subsequently, facade variations are generated for different facade sizes, where multiple variations can be produced for a certain size. Computing such new facade variations has many unique challenges, and we propose a new algorithm based on interleaving heuristic search and quadratic programming. In contrast to most previous work, we focus on the generation of new design variations and not on the automatic analysis of the input’s structure. Adding a modeling step with the user in the loop ensures that our results routinely are of high quality.


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