“Procedural Design of Exterior Lighting for Buildings With Complex Constraints” by Schwarz and Wonka

  • ©Michael Schwarz and Peter Wonka




    Procedural Design of Exterior Lighting for Buildings With Complex Constraints

Session/Category Title:   Layout Building & Scenes




    We present a system for the lighting design of procedurally modeled buildings. The design is procedurally specified as part of the ordinary modeling workflow by defining goals for the illumination that should be attained and locations where luminaires may be installed to realize these goals. Additionally, constraints can be modeled that make the arrangement of the installed luminaires respect certain aesthetic and structural considerations. From this specification, the system automatically generates a lighting solution for any concrete model instance. The underlying, intricate joint optimization and constraint satisfaction problem is approached with a stochastic scheme that operates directly in the complex subspace where all constraints are observed. To navigate this subspace efficaciously, the actual lighting situation is taken into account. We demonstrate our system on multiple examples spanning a variety of architectural structures and lighting designs.


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